
March 13, 2015 at 3:00pm - March 16, 2015
MacEwan Conference & Event Centre - University of Calgary
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Google map and directions

Will you come?

$200.00 8th Fire Gathering - General Admission
Full Conference Delegate

$100.00 8th Fire Gathering - Low Income/Student/Senior Admission
Full Conference Delegate

$25.00 8th Fire Gathering - Child Admission
14 Years and Under - With Adult Registration

Showing 330 reactions

  • Michael Gretton
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:46 -0600
  • Gramma Shingoose
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:46 -0600
  • Claudia Julien
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:46 -0600
  • Lorraine Idlenomore Clair
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:46 -0600
  • Becky Ziibiingngaadjigokwe BigCanoe
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:45 -0600
  • Havvah Libertas
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:45 -0600
  • Robben Constant
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:45 -0600
  • Lisbeth West
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:45 -0600
  • Tammy Harper
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:45 -0600
  • Fred Oneonine
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:44 -0600
  • Gio DeeShanger Sampogna
    rsvped 2014-07-04 05:43:44 -0600
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-07-03 17:29:28 -0600
    Sounds both intriguing and essential!
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-07-03 14:34:57 -0600
    thank u so much for the invite - truly there in spirit! in the meantime, here's what could be the anthem for the movement:
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-07-03 14:29:56 -0600
    I highly doubt I will be going as you already know Dee so I am not sure why you are sending me an invite. They are sending you, Lorraine and Suzanne.
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-07-03 13:12:59 -0600
    [LIVESTREAM] "The 8th Fire Gathering will be the first conference to Live Stream the event in its entirety. Live Streaming is a unique and innovative way to reach and interact with a more diverse and previously untapped audience. Live Stream will allow people from around the globe to not only observe, but also participate in presentations, ask questions, share live and archived presentations, and be directly involved in the conference from anywhere on the planet. This also allows 8th Fire Gathering participants to view presentations which may be running simultaneously." <3 <3 <3
  • Deloria Manygreyhorses Violich
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:59 -0600
  • Shelby Brown
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:59 -0600
  • Travis Rider
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:58 -0600
  • Debbie Coulter
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:58 -0600
  • Philip Mccutcheon
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:58 -0600
  • Alberteen Spence
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:58 -0600
  • Nina Was'te
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:58 -0600
  • Brian Seaman
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:57 -0600
  • Ala'a Hamdan
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:57 -0600
  • Derrick O'Keefe
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:57 -0600
  • Robert Craig Johnston
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:57 -0600
  • Natoyihkii McGinnis
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:57 -0600
  • Renae Morriseau
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:56 -0600
  • Tim Reynolds
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:56 -0600
  • Jesse V Sparvier
    rsvped 2014-07-03 05:47:56 -0600