Artist Showcase

Saturday, March 14th & Sunday, March 15th

The 8th Fire Gathering will host The Artists Showcase highlighting inspiring Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Crafters, Artisans and more. The Artists Showcase will be an excellent opportunity to feature established and aspiring artists who are touching people with their work. Formats can range from film, painting, graphic design, photography, radio, traditional aboriginal crafts, carvings, sculpture, music, dance, poetry and anything in between.

Artists are given the opportunity to present their work, sell their pieces, and share their inspiration and journeys. Artists that would like to present will be given 10 to 45 minutes, depending on how much time they would like or need to speak. The presentations are a chance for storytelling, to talk about their art work and medium, speak about their inspiration, motivations, and share experiences. There will be tables set up in the Artist showcase area where artists can sell their work, pass along information and network with other artists.

Musical performers will have the opportunity to play for up to an hour. These will be mainly acoustic, but if required we will have access to a sound system. Musicians may bring CDs to sell and information to distribute. Musicians have the option of sharing a table with other musicians to keep costs lower. Dancers will have 10 – 30 minutes to perform and may table share as well. Selected Musicians, Dancers and Artists will also have the opportunity to be featured on the main stage for the 8th Fire Concert Saturday evening.

If you are an Artist, Vendor, Artisan, Musician or Performer, you may sign up to participate in the Artists Showcase below. You will receive an information package and further information via email.

If you do not wish to sell your art, you can choose to present only. Please contact [email protected] for a submission sheet.

For additional information or if there is an Artist or someone you would like to see featured, please send suggestions to [email protected] 

Suggestions, ideas and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

August 16, 2014 at 9:00am - 9pm
MacEwan Conference & Event Centre - University of Calgary
Chantal Chagnon · · 4034047664

Will you come?

$250.00 Artist Showcase - Vendor Retail
Table Registration
$150.00 Artist Showcase - Handcrafted/Artisan
Table Registration
$100.00 Artist Showcase - Additional Staff Ticket
Table Registration
$75.00 Artist Showcase
Musician / Dancer / Performer (Shared Table)
$50.00 8th Fire Gathering - Artist Showcase
Electrical Outlet Access
$50.00 8th Fire Gathering - Artist Showcase
Easel Display Rental

Showing 3 reactions

  • Chantal Chagnon
    published this page 2015-02-16 17:41:56 -0700
  • Alberta Rose
    is hosting. 2015-02-16 17:35:55 -0700
  • Chantal Chagnon
    published this page 2014-06-22 17:23:10 -0600